domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018

Examples conditional zero


The structure of the zero conditional is very simple and easily deduced: when dealing with generalizable situations, it is sensible to use the present simple omitting the expression 'always' (always).
It results from a combination between condition and consequence, linked by the particle 'if' and potentially by the expression 'then', which means 'then'.
It is easily translatable into Spanish and, as in that language, this type of conditional can be expressed in the following forms.



If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. (Si calientas agua a 100 grados, hierve)
If public transport is efficient, people stop using their cars. (Si el transporte público es eficiente, la gente deja de usar sus autos)
If you cross the line, you are in our country. (Si cruzas la línea, estás en nuestro país)
If children study, then their parents are happy. (Si los niños estudian, sus padres son felices)
Pitagoras said that if you add the squares of the legs you get the square of the hypotenuse of a triangle. (Pitagoras dijo que si sumas el cuadrado de los lados entonces obtienes el cuadrado de la hipotenusa de un triángulo)

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